Vector Calculus 2d Motion


This is an interact that illustrates the relationships between common vectors in vector calculus in 2d. The user may select which vectors will be displayed, then use the slider to adjust the parameter and observe the effect on the vectors.

Sage Cell


# 2-D motion and vector calculus
# Copyright 2009, Robert A. Beezer
# Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 US
# 2009/02/15  Built on Sage 3.3.rc0
# 2009/02/17  Improvements from Jason Grout
# variable parameter is  t
# later at a particular value named t0
# parameter range
# position vector definition
# edit here for new example
# example is wide ellipse
# adjust x, extents in final show()
position=vector( (4*cos(t), sin(t)) )
# graphic of the motion itself
path = parametric_plot( position.list(), (t, start, stop), color = "black" )
# derivatives of motion, lengths, unit vectors, etc
velocity = derivative(position, t)
acceleration = derivative(velocity, t)
speed = velocity.norm()
speed_deriv = derivative(speed, t)
tangent = (1/speed)*velocity
dT = derivative(tangent, t)
normal = (1/dT.norm())*dT
# interact section
#   slider for parameter, 24 settings
#   checkboxes for various vector displays
#   computations at one value of parameter, t0
def _(t0 = slider(float(start), float(stop), float((stop-start)/24), float(start) , label = "Parameter"),
      pos_check = ("Position", True), 
      vel_check = ("Velocity", False),
      tan_check = ("Unit Tangent", False),
      nor_check = ("Unit Normal", False),
      acc_check = ("Acceleration", False),
      tancomp_check = ("Tangential Component", False),
      norcomp_check = ("Normal Component", False)
    # location of interest
    pos_tzero = position(t=t0)
    # various scalar quantities at point
    speed_component = speed(t=t0)
    tangent_component = speed_deriv(t=t0)
    normal_component = sqrt( acceleration(t=t0).norm()^2 - tangent_component^2 )
    curvature = normal_component/speed_component^2
    # various vectors, mostly as arrows from the point
    pos = arrow((0,0), pos_tzero, rgbcolor=(0,0,0))
    tan = arrow(pos_tzero, pos_tzero + tangent(t=t0), rgbcolor=(0,1,0) )
    vel = arrow(pos_tzero, pos_tzero + velocity(t=t0), rgbcolor=(0,0.5,0))
    nor = arrow(pos_tzero, pos_tzero + normal(t=t0), rgbcolor=(0.5,0,0))
    acc = arrow(pos_tzero, pos_tzero + acceleration(t=t0), rgbcolor=(1,0,1))
    tancomp = arrow(pos_tzero, pos_tzero + tangent_component*tangent(t=t0), rgbcolor=(1,0,1) )
    norcomp = arrow(pos_tzero, pos_tzero + normal_component*normal(t=t0), rgbcolor=(1,0,1))
    # accumulate the graphic based on checkboxes
    picture = path
    if pos_check:
        picture = picture + pos
    if vel_check:
        picture = picture + vel
    if tan_check:
        picture = picture+ tan
    if nor_check:
        picture = picture + nor
    if acc_check:
        picture = picture + acc
    if tancomp_check:
        picture = picture + tancomp
    if norcomp_check:
        picture = picture + norcomp
    # print textual info
    print("Position vector defined as r(t)={}".format(position))
    print("Speed is {}".format(N(speed(t=t0))))
    print("Curvature is {}".format(N(curvature)))
    # show accumulated graphical info
    # adjust x-,y- extents to get best plot
    show(picture, xmin=-4,xmax=4, ymin=-1.5,ymax=1.5,aspect_ratio=1)




Primary Tags:

Secondary Tags:

A list of possible tags can be found at The WeBWorK Open Problem Library. For linear algebra tags see the Curated Courses Project.

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Date: 23 Jul 2020 23:57

Submitted by: Zane Corbiere

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